Sunday, September 27, 2009

The expert walker :)


Chocolate Mom aka Blupoetres said...

OMG!!! I can't believe she's walking!! Ok, I can, b/c Lincoln is now standing on his own, but I don't want to believe it! She is positively gorgeous and her hair - LOVE IT!!

Sanchez Stories said...

Thank you so much for sending me the link again, I don't know why it's not on my blog anymore....
She is so big now! I love her, she is the cutest!
I miss your blog, I don't know how you are feeling or what you are thinking or what you are going through..... Why aren't you blogging about it?
I miss you too!
Saw the twins today, they look good and we are 24 weeks......
I want an update too!
The twins are about 1lb 10oz!!!!
I am HUGE!