Saturday, September 27, 2008

Time Flys by so quickly

Time is flying by!

I will start where we left off, humpday.

She was a good little girl all day until her tummy was upset most of the night and finally just after 11pm, she was out like a light!

Thursday was a quite day with very little activity or uproars around the house. No big adventures for the little one, however, 3 very lovely diapers :) need i say more?

Friday was a fun filled day from early in the morning - Aedyn finally got to meet Dr Strong and Nurse Sue! But mommy forgot the camera - so we are scheduled for another visit on Oct 20, when they are both in the office again for pictures, this would mark her 2 month birthday :)
We also headed to the base so daddy's boss could meet the little one, yes the friday before he goes back to work!

In addition, I have this new prescription for domperidone the alternative to reg.lan for breastmilk production and wouldn't you know it is a specialty drug that can only be filled in a few select places and is not covered by i ordered it from New Zeland! Yes NZ.
Lets hope this helps - it is my last ditch effort.

On a side note, mommy will be staying home with Aedyn!!!!! Yes - this is a wonderful thing and we are looking forward to being home with her for all of her firsts.
her first roll over
her first crawl
her first steps
her first chase of the cats
her first words

1 comment:

Jen said...

I'm SO jealous of you getting to stay home! I only have 1 more week left before I go back to my snotty teenagers at school. Okay, that's a little harsh, but some of them are! :-) They aren't nearly as sweet and cute as Caroline!