Saturday, September 6, 2008

Today was my original due date!

Yes, today was supposed to be the day I made my grand apperance, as you all know I was a bit impatient and came 16 days early!

I have had quite the exciting day - our friend Jenn A and Kenzie came over to visit me and brought me all kinds of fun stuff to play with! Thank you Jenn and Kenzie....and Ranie and Zane for sharing all your toys!

Grandma Le and Papa John are here now too!

I was quite warn out with all the excitement around the house and decided that I wanted to stay up but alas fell asleep on my mommy for about an hour, and when she moved me, I decided it was time to wake up again.

I will probably sleep very well tonight!

Hugs and Kisses!!! Aedyn

1 comment:

Echloe said...

I hope she did sleep well. And I finally answered your tag.