Wednesday, October 1, 2008

October 1

A new month already - tomorrow Aedyn will be 6 wks old - I can hardly believe it! 6WEEKS!!!

She has grown so much, I just dont know how much yet, 2 weeks and we'll have the 2 month appointment.

She is finally starting to eat a little more but at the same time a little less.

She sips here and there all day long but in the evening she prefers to eat her entire 2 oz, we have given her a little bit more 15 mL or so once or twice. I am hoping that she begins to eat more regularly with greater quantity - after all she is a growing girl.

Last night, she was a little upset - so I stayed up with her until she fell asleep, then it was about 1 hour before her next feeding so I really really tried to stay awake....but that was a no go. And thank goodness, since she didnt get up until an hour and a half later.
Unfortunately, she woke up every 2 hours last night because she was hungry again!
By 530 this morning, when daddy was getting up to get ready for work, i fed her and layed her on my chest and we went back to sleep until 830! It was great and good sleep.

She has had a pretty good day today - we went to visit our great friend Angellicia and her mom. Tomorrow will be visiting with Barbara - mommy's friend from the base. And on Friday, we get to finally meet Jake (Jacob) - Lori's new born son! Our week is so full of friends.

The weekend is planned to be spent with daddy and mommy - chilling with little Aedyn around the house and church on Sunday.

Next week is just as busy for mommy and Aedyn - i dont think it will ever slow down with her.

1 comment:

Sanchez Stories said...

Aedyn ~ I am thinking about you, I am so glad you are healthy and getting bigger, please tell your mom that she needs to post more pics of you! I haven't seen you in a while!

Dre, Avery and Waylon!

PS your mommy needs more sleep can you let her sleep at least 4 hours?